ONDERZOEK naar de effecten van biodanza

De afgelopen jaren is er door Dr. Marcus Stuck uit Leipzig  onderzoek gedaan naar de effecten van biodanza.

BIODANZA as Mirrored in the Sciences

Research about the Psychological, Physiological and Immunological effects of Biodanza

Dr. M. Stück, Dipl. Psych. A. Villegas, R. Terren, V. Toro, F. Perche Institute for Applied Psychology, Leipzig University

– Biodanza School, Buenos Aires –



Biodanza was investigated on 150 subjects, from 1998 in both Argentina and Germany

Research design

2 groups:

•Experimental-group (Biodanza) – workers, teachers, patients
•Control-group (Aerobics, Yoga) – workers, teachers


• Psychological – e.g. regulation of emotions, health, personal psychology
• Physiological – e.g. skin response, blood pressure
• Immunological – e.g. Immunoglobulin A

What is Biodanza?

Biodanza was developed 40 years ago in South America by Rolando Toro, a Medical Anthropologist.
The word Biodanza comes from the words “Bios” meaning “Life” and “Danza” meaning “Movement full of Meaning”
It is a form of intervention intended to further health and well-being, and encourages self-expression and self-management through music, dance and interaction.

Rolando Toro

“Biodanza addresses the totality of the human being.

We are the result of our fragmented civilisation which often obliges us to think one thing, feel another and act out something else.

Biodanza provides a group of exercises aimed at restoring our integration, which restores our vitality. This is pure health.

Biodanza is about feeling the intensity of the moment.

If we are in the here and now, then life becomes fantastic”

Rolando Toro Founder of BIODANZA

Research Results

Initial results from the experimental-control-group study at the UAI in Buenos Aires of 50 subjects revealed that:

•13.6% of the 59 psychological health and personality variables examined showed significant changes (p<.05) in the experimental group, compared to 4.5% in the control group (p<.05), measured immediately after completing the three-month Biodanza course (Post 1).

•After a further 3 months without Biodanza (Post 2), the effect stabilized (experimental group: 14%; control group 9%; (p<.05).

Results continued

The following concrete effects were demonstrated in Argentina:

  • Improved self-efficacy
  • Reduction in psychosomatic complaints
  • Improved regulation of emotions (anger regulation)

A qualitative analysis of the Post 1 interviews revealed that reference is most often made to changes in level of social-affective functioning (higher tolerance and social sensitivity, better communication and improved interpersonal skills, improvement in the quality of affective expression, higher valuing of nonverbal communication).

The study in Leipzig not only confirmed these results but improved on them:

With respect to the 66 variables examined immediately following a three-month Biodanza course, 33% showed significant changes (p<.05) in the experimental group, compared to 16.7% in the control group (aerobic).

These effects remained stable at the Post 2 measurement (e.g. 36.4; CG: 4.5%; p<.05) areas: changes in the experimental group were found in the following selected

  • higher self-efficacy
  • improved, offensive problem-solving strategies
  • improved anger regulation
  • improved emotional expression in social situations (less fear of contact, increased ability to say “no”)
  • more optimism and more of a relaxed attitude
  • improved ability to enjoy
  • fewer psychosomatic complaints
  • greater autonomy and increased expansive behaviour
  • improved psychological health

Intercultural psychological Effects of Biodanza

Psychosomatic symptoms reduced
Stress reduction relaxation calmness
Regulation of emotions optimism mood anxiety
anger regulation
Concept of own abilities self-efficacy
Ability for enjoyment increased
Social affective abilities contact anxiety decreased
ability to demand increased

Dr. M. Stück

Head of scientific studies about Biodanza from the faculty of Bioscience, Pharmacy and Psychology at Leipzig university.

He received 2005 the International Scientific research award from the Educational foundation Cassianeum in Donauwörth/ Munich for his work on a stress reduction system using Biodanza as methodology for school teachers.

Publications in relation to the research award:

Stück (2005/06). New Ways: Biodanza and Yoga in the stressreduction for teachers. Donauwörth: Auer-Verlag (in preparation)

Stück, M. (2004). Stress management in Schools: an empirical investigation of a stress management system. Social Work Practitioner-Researcher, 16 (2), 216–230.